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Ewing Mental Health LLC

Telehealth And In-Person Appointments

Embracing the modern era, Ewing Mental Health is excited to offer you accessible mental health services at your fingertips. Opt for telehealth or in-person appointments, whichever suits your lifestyle, ensuring flexible care that cultivates your well-being with utmost comfort and convenience.

What are Telehealth and In-Person Appointments?

Telehealth appointments allow you to connect with mental health professionals via secure video conferencing or phone calls right from your own home or preferred environment. On the other hand, in-person appointments occur at our clinic, with face-to-face interactions upheld by a compassionate atmosphere.

Who Can Benefit from Telehealth and In-Person Appointments?

Our services cater to everyone, regardless of age, background, or personal circumstance. Telehealth appointments bring our services closer to all, be they busy professionals seeking efficient care, individuals residing in remote locations, or those who simply prefer the familiarity of their own space.

Meanwhile, our in-person appointments cater to people who respond best to direct, face-to-face interactions, valuing the warmth of human connection and our clinic’s therapeutic environment.



Select your preferred care mode – in-person, telehealth, or even a blend of both – ensuring our assistance meets your unique comfort zone.


Telehealth appointments dissolve geographical barriers, extending our services to you effortlessly, wherever you are.

Time Efficiency

Cut the time spent on commuting and free yourself from the stress of traffic and tight schedules via telehealth sessions.


Choose an environment that promotes your well-being; relax in your home during telehealth appointments, or visit us in person and immerse in our tranquil clinic atmosphere.

Embrace the Future of Mental Wellness Today!

Gain control of your mental wellness, and let us be your companions on the journey to a healthier, happier you. With telehealth and in-person appointments at your disposal, take advantage of our flexible care that fits your lifestyle seamlessly. Connect with us now, and let’s embark on your transformative path towards resilience and serenity.